It's well known that you don't have to be fluent in the local language to get by in a foreign country, but by learning a couple of different phrases you'll be able to interact more with the locals during your trip without opening up your Google Translate app. If you intend to visit Japan in the near future, we recommend studying the basic Japanese phrases below.
Basic Japanese Phrases for Tourists
Greetings and Introductions
- Japanese: こんにちは (Konnichiwa)
- Pronunciation: "Koh-nee-chee-wah"
Nice to Meet You
- Japanese: はじめまして (Hajimemashite)
- Pronunciation: "Hah-jee-meh-mah-sh-teh"
How Are You?
- Japanese: お元気ですか? (Ogenki desu ka?)
- Pronunciation: "Oh-gen-ki des-ka?"
Courtesy Phrases
Thank You / Thank You Very Much
- Japanese: ありがとう (Arigatou) / ありがとうございます (Arigatou gozaimasu)
- Pronunciation: "Ah-ree-gah-toh" / "Ah-ree-gah-toh goh-zai-mass"
Excuse Me
- Japanese: すみません (Sumimasen)
- Pronunciation: "Soo-mee-mah-sen"
Just a Moment
- Japanese: ちょっと待ってください (Chotto matte kudasai)
- Pronunciation: "Cho-toh ma-teh koo-dah-sai"
I'm Sorry
- Japanese: ごめんなさい (Gomen nasai)
- Pronunciation: "Goh-men nah-sai"
Affirmative and Negative Responses
- Japanese: はい (Hai)
- Pronunciation: "Hai"
- Japanese: いいえ (Iie)
- Pronunciation: "Ee-eh"
Requests and Inquiries
- Japanese: ください (Kudasai)
- Pronunciation: "Koo-dah-sai"
Where is the...? (Example: Where is the bathroom?)
- Japanese: ...はどこですか? (...wa doko desu ka?)
- Example: トイレはどこですか? (Toire wa doko desu ka?)
- Pronunciation: "Toh-ee-reh wah doh-ko des-ka?"
I Don't Understand
- Japanese: わかりません (Wakarimasen)
- Pronunciation: "Wah-kah-ree-mah-sen"
Do You Speak English?
- Japanese: 英語を話せますか? (Eigo o hanasemasu ka?)
- Pronunciation: "Ei-go wo hah-nah-seh-mas ka?"
I'm Lost
- Japanese: 道に迷いました (Michi ni mayoimashita)
- Pronunciation: "Mee-chee nee mah-yoi-mah-shee-tah"
Key Directional Phrases
- Japanese: 左 (Hidari)
- Pronunciation: "Hee-dah-ree"
- Japanese: 右 (Migi)
- Pronunciation: "Mee-gee"
- Japanese: 上 (Ue)
- Pronunciation: "Oo-eh"
- Japanese: 下 (Shita)
- Pronunciation: "Shee-tah"
Straight Ahead
- Japanese: まっすぐ (Massugu)
- Pronunciation: "Mahs-soo-goo"
Dining and Food
What is This?
- Japanese: これは何ですか? (Kore wa nan desu ka?)
- Pronunciation: "koh-reh wah nahn des-ka?"
It's Delicious
- Japanese: 美味しいです (Oishii desu)
- Pronunciation: "oh-ee-shee des"
The Bill, Please
- Japanese: お会計お願いします (Okaikei onegaishimasu)
- Pronunciation: "oh-kai-keh oh-neh-gai-sh'mas"
How Much is This?
- Japanese: いくらですか? (Ikura desu ka?)
- Pronunciation: "ee-koo-rah des-ka?"
This, Please
- Japanese: これをください (Kore o kudasai)
- Pronunciation: "koh-reh oh koo-dah-sai"
Can I Use a Credit Card?
- Japanese: クレジットカードは使えますか? (Kreditto kaado wa tsukaemasu ka?)
- Pronunciation: "ku-reh-dit-toh kah-doh wah tsu-kae-mas-ka?"
Numbers 1-10 in Japanese
- 1 (一) - "Ichi" - Pronunciation: "Ee-chee"
- 2 (二) - "Ni" - Pronunciation: "Nee"
- 3 (三) - "San" - Pronunciation: "Sahn"
- 4 (四) - "Shi/Yon" - Pronunciation: "Shee/Yoh-n"
- 5 (五) - "Go" - Pronunciation: "Goh"
- 6 (六) - "Roku" - Pronunciation: "Roh-koo"
- 7 (七) - "Shichi/Nana" - Pronunciation: "Shee-chee/Nah-nah"
- 8 (八) - "Hachi" - Pronunciation: "Hah-chee"
- 9 (九) - "Kyu/Ku" - Pronunciation: "Kyoo/Koo"
- 10 (十) - "Juu" - Pronunciation: "Joo"
Other Common Numbers
- 20 - 二十 (Nijuu) - Pronunciation: "Nee-joo"
- 30 - 三十 (Sanjuu) - Pronunciation: "Sahn-joo"
- 100 - 百 (Hyaku) - Pronunciation: "Hyah-koo"
- 1,000 - 千 (Sen) - Pronunciation: "Sen"
- 10,000 - 万 (Man) - Pronunciation: "Mahn"
Learning these numbers in Japanese can be incredibly useful for everyday situations such as shopping, navigating addresses, and discussing prices.
Emergency and Health
I Have an Allergy
- Japanese: アレルギーがあります (Arerugī ga arimasu)
- Pronunciation: "Ah-leh-roo-gee gah ah-ree-mas"
Please Help Me
- Japanese: 助けてください (Tasukete kudasai)
- Pronunciation: "tah-s'keh-teh koo-dah-sai"
Please Call the Police
- Japanese: 警察を呼んでください (Keisatsu o yonde kudasai)
- Pronunciation: "keh-sah-tsu oh yohn-deh koo-dah-sai"
Please Call an Ambulance
- Japanese: 救急車を呼んでください (Kyuukyuusha wo yonde kudasai)
- Pronunciation: "Kyoo-kyoo-sha wo yohn-deh koo-dah-sai"
Where is the Hospital?
- Japanese: 病院はどこですか? (Byouin wa doko desu ka?)
- Pronunciation: "byoh-een wah doh-koh des-ka?"
Japanese Phrases FAQs
Is it important to learn Japanese phrases?
Knowing a few basic Japanese phrases is essential outside of the touristy areas of Japan. It's important for when you're ordering food, speaking to taxi drivers and hotel staff, and simply interacting with locals.
What helps you learn Japanese phrases?
Starting to learn Japanese? Here are some tips:
- Repeating phrases: One of the easiest ways to learn is by repeating the phrases many times, both out loud and in writing.
- Using pictures: Associating words with images or drawings can make it easier to remember phrases.
- Consume Japanese media: Watching Japanese TV shows and movies with English subtitles as well as reading books about Japan can help you get used to basic Japanese words and phrases.